martes, 27 de agosto de 2013

Full name               : Katherine Mayorga
Age                          : I am 18 years old
Marital status        : I am single
Country of origin   : Ecuador
Home Address       : Valentin Amaya and Rafael Ferrer,Mz "D"
Telephone              :  022628576
Email                       :
Passport number  : 1750343319

viernes, 23 de agosto de 2013

I am Katherine. I am a student of English. I am from Quito. The other students in my class are all from Ecuador. They are from Ambato, Riobamba, Loja, Esmeraldas, etc.
My partner in the class is Estefania. Her surname is Herrera.She is from Loja. 
Our teacher is Jose. He is from Tulcan.
I am 18 years old, my address is Cardenal de la Torre Av. and Valentin Amaya.
I am student Escuela Politecnica del Ejercito.
I like practice Tae Kwon- do and dancing.